| 威立雅中国 - Veolia

Sludge Treatment

Municipal sludge is the main potential secondary polluting source during sewage treatment since it contains a large number of organic pollutants and hazardous components such as pathogens, heavy metals and carcinogenic chemicals. Veolia has built and operates many urban sludge treatment plants throughout the world. In doing so it has developed a unique expertise in landfill gas fermentation, soil remediation applications, waste to energy, cement recycling and other recycling technologies – sludge composting treatment and co-combustion of sludge and municipal solid waste being the most mature of Veolia’s widely-used technologies. The experience and expertise which Veolia has garnered over the years is continuously reducing and preventing the emission of greenhouse gases, especially as relates to sludge treatment, where exchanges, internal communication and the sharing of resources and talent will better enable the development of sludge treatment opportunities/projects with municipalities in China.

Resource recovery

Veolia treats and recovers waste to reincorporate materials into industrial or agricultural production and generate energy.
Veolia uses the most innovative technologies to meet the needs of companies and public authorities for everything from waste sorting and recovery to the construction and operation of facilities. Veolia considers sustainability and long-term economic feasibility as well as respect for the environment and human health when a project is assessed or a new technology is implemented.
